I had been a bit bored up until that point. But then I remembered, hey, I've BEEN to a Georgetown cocktail party! Granted it was about 25 years ago, but still... it qualifies as a genuine experience.
I was a tourist tag-along with an ag group which my Then-Significant-Other was actively involved with. I don't remember now if it was grape growers or vintners or farm bureau business but there were about 15 members who traveled to Washington DC one May. Because it was my birthday month and because I had never been to the capital, I convinced him that I really, really should be included. Hence, I accompanied the group and while they were stuck in hotel banquet rooms and meeting with (gasp) evil lobbyists, I got to roam the Mall and see the sites of our nation's capital.
I visited the monuments and stared at the White House from the front fence (pre 9/11, so security was much less obvious.) I wandered through the Smithsonian buildings and saw really cool things like Dorothy's ruby slippers, moon rocks, and inaugural gowns of the First Ladies. I cried at the Vietnam Memorial and JFK's grave, but not at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - probably because it's hard to cry in front of Marine Corps dress blues. I walked alone through Arlington cemetery and found civil war tombstones - rounded on top for the Union and pointed on top for the Confederacy. I saw panda bears at the zoo and US Senators in the Capitol Bldg. And then, on our third night there, the entire group was invited to a Georgetown Cocktail Party!
It was in the beautiful brownstone home of the (evil) lobbyists and was very cool! I remember a baby grand piano, a lovely urban garden beyond tall french doors, trays of champagne flutes and tasty hors d'ouevres, men in suits looking more handsome than normal, and entertaining social conversations. It was all very cordial and relaxing and, of course, I felt sophisticated and fortunate to be there - even tho describing myself as "sophisticated" is as inaccurate as most of the TV political ads! I would guess none of the other guests remember that evening, but it was my one and only Georgetown cocktail party.
So thanks, Senator McCain, for reminding me of that evening. If I ever get to visit Washington DC again, I'll take the subway to Georgetown, order a G & T, and reminisce about younger, more carefree days when the workings of Washington were respected and admired. Personally, I still think we have much to be proud of, even if it sometimes takes place with a cocktail and shrimp puff in hand!
I remember my trip to DC when I was 18, George Bush Sr. had been inagurated that week and the city was abuzz and I was so impressed. Now I am disgusted with what really goes on there. Do I sound negative?
No, not negative just realistic. I know politics has always had a dark side, we just weren't as exposed to it in the past! I still want to visit DC again tho. :-)
we also went to DC prior to 9-11 and found it to be a really great place to visit. My wife and I only got to spend 3 days there while on our way to a Korean War reunion up in Pa. so we also got to visit other places such as Gettysburg and the Monopoly cities in eastern Pa. Even went to the Hershey factory on out way.
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