Actually for me, after the initial shock of abruptly becoming single wore off I was surprised to discover that I kinda liked being on my own. (OK, it took about 5 years to completely realize that but whatever...) Here are some advantages - other than the obvious ones like controlling the remote, eating cereal for dinner, and/or selecting "repeat" for all Patsy Cline songs:
1) Not having to check someone else's schedule when a last minute invitation or opportunity comes up. If I want to go, I can go. Easy and simple.
2) Watching 9 innings of Derek Jeter without having to pretend that I'm watching the game or that I'm a Yankee fan. Those pinstripes are awfully flattering on him tho.
3) Talking ridiculous, embarrasing baby talk to my two fat, lazy, useless, darling little cats. If I'm ever a victim of blackmail it will be because of a hidden tape recorder.
4) Experimenting with tofu recipes, for health reasons, without making someone else actually choke it down for dinner. Hey wait, how is that a benefit to me?
5) Not having in-laws. I know, some in-laws are wonderful, warm, loving people. The last one I had did not qualify. Besides, it's hard enough coping with one's own family - see Butt Ugly post.
OK, five is enough. Happy National Singles Week everyone!
Good for you! Happy Singles week!
Bowing to no one elses schedule sounds so good!
Can I add one?
Thinking in twos can close the mind, as if the two of you encapsulate the world. As a single, I am more open to seeing and hearing other people's voices.
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